Admit One and Other Software Updates
We have faced some bumps in the road with the latest updates, but overall, customers and transactions were unaffected. This is not to say the process has been without problems, but we’re making progress. These updates were crucial, so thank you for your patience. The recent update on the 18th September seemed to go well and we’re hoping has solved most of the outstanding issues, TBC!
A huge thank you to Karl Cooper, our IT Manager, who provided a seamless hardware/software rollout for this substantial update. Karl’s dedication and hard work could have been overlooked amid the disruption caused by the software updates, which are obviously beyond our control. Thank you, Karl!
Arts Alliance Screenwriter
Most of you now have your Admit One to TMS systems in place with Thurso and The Regent to follow shortly. This was a substantial undertaking and still requires some refinement before we can see the full benefits. Alex and Charlie are currently working on this and we hope to update you further in the coming weeks.
We will continue to pursue more efficiencies with automation processes, please let us know if you have any recommendations in this area.